Our core group of pastors within the FPI network, “Red de Pastores, Fe”, has now grown to more than 60 with another 20 working with us mentoring and assisting pastors and their congregations.
Assisting their church growth and focusing on family stability is our fundamental purpose. We have increased our mentoring capacity by using social media which allows daily contact with each other.
Our churches are typically located in impoverished areas with limited financial means to support church growth and evangelism. Our pastors tell us that on average, more than 60% of the residents in the community surrounding the church, have no more than one meal a day and most of those going hungry are children. So when Covid hit the Dominican our Pastor’s went to work to feed the hungry. See the story for more information.
FPI evaluates the appropriate needs of the pastors and churches when making personal in-country contact during our regular visits to the DR. Only after our evaluation is complete and the type and amount of assistance is decided, do we begin discussing these projects with potential partners and donors.
– Faith Partners International