Over the past 15 years, we have provided support the GSO in Vallejuelo, RD. The orphanage houses more than 35 children and is managed by Egoitz and Sol. The future of this country lies in its youth, yet there are many threats to children here that make growing up dangerous and often result in repeating similar patterns of the adult community. Marriage is not the norm and men often have children by several women, providing little or no support to the mothers and children. Prostitution, drugs and alcohol abuse is rampant and witchcraft is common. These are the challenges faced by the pastors and church leaders we work with and it is why many of them focus first on the children and youth, as do we.

Ego & Sol
Our support for the GSO includes providing new shoes for every child, new clothes, books, medicine, education, and a lot of food for the pantry each month. You have no idea how much those kids can eat!
We continue to collect donations to locally purchase personal items, toiletries, clothes, food, movies, medicine and books for the children and youth at the orphanage making regular deliveries during our trips
throughout the year.
As our older children leave as young adults (18+) they are quickly replaced by new youngsters often as young as 3 years old. One of our arrivals, Samantha, was the first of three deaf children, and that was the beginning of our school for the deaf program in the South.
Getting to know Ego, Sol and their family is a blessing. To that end we are planning a short-term Mission Trip in December of 2022, during which we will spend a day at the GSO and that night give a Christmas party for the children. Contact us for more information.
– Faith Partners International